Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Of Heroes And Villains

Its all on the papers.

Osama lives. And he is talking.

On the eve of the American presedential elections he is becoming a kind of embaresment to the Bush administration.

Its sad to know that sometimes people in power take themselves no less than a god. Afghanistan, a country trying to establish itself and regain its lost bearings was bombed to kingdom come just for the head of one man. Did the allied troops ever think that in doing so they were not only killing people who were just trying to have a normal life, they were killing dreams and putting them back in the same place where they began. The soviets took the first kill, then the Talibans and finally the Americans. Its like all the people who sinned in their previous births were born in the same place. Their fault? they were just not educated or rich enough to be heard. Their cries lost in the gunshots of revenge.


An excuse to keep harming each other.

Its like the Americans, the guardians of peace for the planet, do not just get it. The whole nation cries when one of their soldiers die. But turn a deaf ear when a whole nation cries. Actually its wrong to damn a whole nation for the sins of a few men. Men who have no idea of what they are doing. Only hoping that whatever it is, it must be right. An example is Tony Blair apologising for Iraq.

At this time its confusing to decide who is the villain and who the hero. Is it President Bush who felt that by wiping out Afghanistan and Iraq, his people will live in a safer country, or is it Osama or the numerous militant organisations in Iraq in a beheading spree, thinking that vengeance is being served.And their people given justice.

Why should the people of a country be scarred with the memories of war for eternity just because a few men thought that it was the right way. Violence begets violence and love love. But love for violence begets only death.The only thing that can be said is that there is no more honour in the wars we fight. Gone is age when the whole world went to war to vanquish the all powerful despots and lunatics. When war was a celebration and a hope for better times for the children of millions who were to die in the infamous concentration camps, just because they were born Jews or of a lesser race.


A word without a meaning for those who find meaning in vengeance.


Static Compost said...

I agree completely, all throughout the 1980's the Soviets pound Afghanistan. In an effort to fight an indirect war with the USSR the United States builds facilities and trains people to fight using geurilla warfare. These very facilities are the facilities the US is currently bombing. It appears histroy isn't without a sense of irony. The US builds these terrorist training camps, funds and supplies them and puts Osama bin Laden in power because he was man with an influence and could make a good leader. As an American you could imagine this truth comes with a great deal of shame. Knowing the "terrorist training camps" my tax dollars are funding to bomb, may parents tax dollars funded to build. People need to know that the US gave Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban money, supplies and lots of support so that they could fight The Soviets. Afterall the US wanted to fight the Soviets just not on American soil with American troops so we have somone else do our dirty work. We did the same in Korea and many other places.

Red said...

Lest ye forget- think about the three thousand *innocent* lives lost in NYC. This is why Afghanistan was bombed. Chicken shit Taliban ran and hid. Guess they found out that America just ain't gonna lay down no more.
Here's a link to refresh your memory:

Unknown said...

Well Red, I guess somebody's gotta stop somewhere. If we war with no end then we will lead to our own destruction. Maybe we cannot expect Afghanistan to stop, but surely we can expect a more mature, educated and developed country like America to think better thoughts?