Saturday, October 02, 2004

Why A Blog

Why did i decide to get me my own blog? I realised that i have a very active life and as forms of memories i required to put it down somewhere. Due to the nature of my job i cannot write it down, i most probably will lose my diary somewhere. A blog helps me to write from anywhere and just upload it. So here i am on leave for a month or so. All my friends are working on week days so i have nowhere to go. I spend most of my days sleeping and watching T.V. Today is a sunday so i may just go for bowling and some beer with my friend Vinay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck all that, please control drinking or stop giving birth to new rock artists "Bryan Adama.." let me guess his hits - 1.Summers of 96, 2. I went to be your underwear.....
